Wednesday 18 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

 What have you learned from your audience feedback?Throughout this task the group and I have relied heavily on audience feedback in order to create the best possible product. upon choosing the song "Thinking of Me" by Olly Murs (through audience feedback) our first mode of action was to narrow down those who liked that genre of music, being pop and reggae and then average the ages of those people so we had a concentrated market to work with.

This choice helped us move on to create a story board and annotate the lyrics of the song in which we felt it was best to continually include our target audience as we were creating a product for them. From this I learned that looking for audience feedback during the early stages of planning and production is what could make or break your final product and without it we as a group would have struggled to create the main and individual products we did.

in order to concentrate the feedback we got, we used a presentation technique called Wordle in which we entered the words most commonly used by our target audience in order to look at the areas we were struggling in. what we soon found was that getting audience feedback isn’t designed so that we can carry on developing the things that are good but is there help us develop those things that our audience would reject upon seeing, with references being made to Reception Theory. Below is the presentation feature mentioned above, with the words being used by our target audience to describe different aspects of our product?

Another key moment of audience feedback came towards the end of the development of the music video. This was a creative arts evening held by our school to showcase the work of the creative department. It was a good night of entertainment and our group made sure we took the opportunity of getting feedback from the audience that viewed our video which can be viewed below.

In conclusion, audience feedback is a very useful tool which can make or break your product. It can help you differentiate your ideals to that of your target audience. Personally audience feedback was a great help to our work and meant that we knew that the product we were creating is what our audience wanted, meaning their Reception of it was guaranteed.

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