Wednesday 18 April 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?

In order to create Ancillary Tasks that relate to our target audience I carried out research and had to collect information which was vital to the development of these products.

From this I was able to develop my products and get constructive criticism from my target audience, peers and teachers. I also made sure that through research I stuck to the codes and conventions of the individual tasks and of the mass market.

As I was creating a poster I made sure I used knowledge from the previous year to help me design a product that could be on a billboard. I also had to do research into this type of poster as I had never created a poster for an artist meaning I was learning as well as contributing. From this I designed a product that got good feedback and matched all other Ancillary Tasks designed by other members of the group.

The second Ancillary Task I was to create was a website. Chosen by the group to head this task I had to apply my ICT knowledge more than anything, but make sure I did research into websites of other artists such as Rihanna and Flo Rida. In the end I was able to create a product that related to the themes we had chosen as a group and matched in various ways to the other Ancillary Tasks.

As far as the music video is concerned, after choosing and pitching our ideas we decided that going along the vintage was the right thing to do as the featured artist incorporated those things in that particular songs with elements of Reggae and Pop also featured. All of the products created incorporated aspects of Reception as well as Uses and Gratification Theory with that key word feedback coming in. Without it, many of the decisions made would have been of the group’s individual preferences and not those of our target audience.

Overall feedback told me that the combination of my main and ancillary texts worked well and related greatly to our target audience and this is backed by the storyboards we created and information we collected from our audience. The themes are all the same and although these products are all individual, there was a good use of repetition of some aspects such as font and layout. Below are examples of the ancillary tasks created as well as some of the feedback received from our target audience and peers.

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