Tuesday 24 April 2012

Ancillary Comparisons

Our group came across the idea through research about keeping the look of the individual products created the same. This meant that the house style, fonts and overall themes would be kept the same throughout.

We found this to be important through research and audience feedback and were told that an audience is likely to reject a product if it doesn't conform to particular codes and conventions and doesn't have the same theme running through it.

I have collected 3 pages from 3 different magazines (print media) to show my understanding of contrasting house styles that an audience would reject. The images below would be rejected by a target audience if sold together due to its contrast in house style and genre.

this gave us something to aspire to and made sure we came together to personally review all the products made as well as altering them to ensure the themes were the same throughout.

Going along this route would alter the audiences reaction as to what they would do with the product (Reception Theory).

This research also takes on elements of Gaze Theory as we want our audience to be happy with the product presented them and to accept it because it complies to certain codes and conventions and relates to them.

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