Wednesday 18 April 2012

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use new technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages
Throughout the blogging process I have come to find that there is a number of ways in which work can be presented which is pleasing to the eye, meaning not heavily text based. As far as developments in technology go, there is a big increase in the way information can be shared, whether it’s through the internet, television or radio.
For this blogging process in particular, I was going to have to apply my ICT knowledge as well as creative skills learned throughout the Media course in order to present an exciting blog which incorporates different technologies. Throughout this blog there is use of different presentation features such as Prezi, which is an interactive slideshow used to show a different side to work that could have been presented as text, Worlde, which is a feature that combines words of phrases given by our target audience and designed to emphasis the words used the most, as these are shown to be the biggest. I found that these gave a deeper insight into what needed to be told and was a clever way of displaying information and examples of these presentation features are shown below:

Another feature I used was You Tube and not by choice. In order to upload a video to the blog, it has to be done through Youtube or else the video will not play. This is done using Google, as they own Blogger and Youtube, showing an interlinking of the use of the internet dominated by this company. This relates to research carried out for the exam as we are looking at hegemony in media companies and overall ownership between News Corporation and Disney.
For the music video a range of technologies was used in order to capture record and edit our video. To record and capture footage, the group and I used a video camera aided by a tripod which was useful to the development of our music video as we were able to achieve a range of shots which wouldn’t have been achievable without it.
To then edit the video we used a Video Editing Machine to enhance and develop it according to the audience feedback we received. This software and equipment was very useful to us and we were all able to develop our skills through this form of media.
As part of the creation of the ancillary tasks I used a computer and software such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator (Adobe CS3 package). This technology and software enabled me to create a professional poster which conformed to the codes and conventions of existing media products as well as a carefully designed, interactive website with a click-to-enter page and a home page.
Overall I found the of new technologies daunting to being with but as time went on I felt more and more comfortable with it and I think this shows in the groups final video and my ancillary tasks

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