Tuesday 11 October 2011

Preliminary Task - Open Day Video

For the Preliminary Task the class were split into groups and given a task which was to create a video for the school's Open Day. Each group was given the opportunity to choose 2 aspects of the school to focus their video on and the group I was a part of decided collectively to focus on Special Events and The Curriculum.

As a group we went out and collected information based on the 2 aspects we had decided to focus the video on such as what special events the school had been a part of and all parts of the curriculum. With the ground work sorted, we fond that for special events in particular, we would have to refer to stock footage left on the school system.

We created storyboards and carefully mapped out the shots and iconography that we wanted to feature in the video. When we felt that sufficient progress had been made, we sought feedback and moved on to the next stage.

The group used the program Premiere Pro to make the video's come to life and the skills of the group were tested heavily. In the end the group were able to come away with 2 good quality video's and the skills of the group in Premiere Pro were enhanced.

This task was a great help because the group and I felt confident moving on to the next task which is the A2 Advanced Portfolio in Media. Below are the 2 video's created by the group on Special Events and The Curriculum.

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