Thursday 17 November 2011

Mood Boards

As part of our pitch, the group and I did research suitable to present and one way of presenting the information gathered were through the creative use of mood boards which in a way told a story to whoever was looking at it about the chosen subject. As a group we made a few mood boards and with these were able to cover most parts of our research with them. These were not only a good way of presenting our research but they were often a reminder to us of things we had to include and what things we needed audience feedback on. Iindividual story boards were made for location (1) and overall iconography concerning album covers (2). We also used these to get things such as the mise-en-scene, camera shots and angles developed through research so that we knew exactly what we were doing when it came to filming.
(1) The first mood board concerning location has telephone boxes, sand and the seaside on it reminding us of British culture as well as referring to parts of the song. we often came back to this particular mood board when deciding on location and even when we were in the process of filming.
(2) The second mood board has different album covers from various well known artists such as Beyonce, Jessie J and Bob Marley. The purpose of this mood board is to identify the genres of the artist and the song. This mood board constantly reminded the group of the strong Pop and Reggae themes which we were going to keep to in the filming process. Another feature included in this mood board was the use of a presentation feature called Wordle. This meant we could have words on the mood board relating to the genres such as retro, upbeat and soul.


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